Thursday, December 16, 2010

Meeting Leah

Kirsten Kenny
LA, Period 6

Meeting Leah

The first thing I noticed about Leah was her laugh. It was like a snort and a chuckle at the same time.  When she laughed, her cheeks would flush a bright red that was really noticeable compared to her snow white skin. She had long, dirty blond hair that went down to her waist. The thing about Leah though, was that she was always laughing, whether she was nervous or happy.
   It was the first day of sixth grade and I was a nervous, lowerclassmen. I was in my first period science class when she walked in and sat at the same table as me. She introduced herself and was shushed by the teacher. She nervously laughed as she opened her notebook and started working. Over the school year, we talked and got to know each other better, but we weren’t close friends. It wasn’t until eighth grade that I would finally become good friends with Leah.
   In eighth grade, Leah and I had multiple classes together; one of them was Language Arts. We worked at the same table and started talking again. When it came time for Halloween, I was invited over to her mom’s house, for the first time, to go trick-or-treating. Her house was small cozy, with antiques everywhere. Three bird cages hung on the wall holding four colorful, squawking birds. She led me to the guest room. The small, yellow room held a purple chair, chipped white dresser, an antique mirror, and a day bed with a flower quilt. Her other friend came over and we went trick-or-treating. When we returned, she jumped on the day bed and threw her bag on the chair not taking any candy out of the bag. When I asked her why she wasn’t eating any of her candy she responded by saying that she would rather save her candy for later.
After graduation, I have lost touch with Leah. But at one of the high school football games I met her again for the first time in almost a year. Her hair was no longer long like I remembered it but a pixie cut. We talked for a couple of minutes about how hectic high school was like and other things. Then, as we said goodbye and turned away from each other, I heard her signature laugh.
Being friends with Leah really made me rethink my outlook on life. She had an easy-going, bubbly personality that I hadn’t seen in awhile. And while we still don’t talk everyday, I know that she will always have had a positive effect on my life.

1 comment:

  1. this is touching and fun all at the same time. I liked how you captured the essence of your friendship.
